Monday 2 April 2018

How can science and technology activities be made engaging and relevant in primary education?

Additionally, Donaldson (2015) expresses the term ‘technology’ as the process of applying scientific information in practical forms. Alternatively, Donaldson (2015) states that through observation and experimentation, this can result in attaining knowledge, which is referred to as ‘science’. Correspondingly, Arthur, Crick and Hayward (2013) underline the importance of science and technology, shaping and sustaining contemporary society and supporting individuals to understand and solve the curiosities our world faces. Although, DCELLS (2012) suggests that despite pupils or practitioners, loving or hating science and technology, both these subjects provide essential skills and knowledge to continuously change and improve the way we live (DCELLS, 2012). Furthermore, STEM encompasses the disciplines of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (DCELLS, 2012). However, these studied areas require individuals obtaining and developing a group of skills and knowledge that are vital in a modern technological world (Arthur, Crick and Hayward, 2013). For example, effective analytical and evaluation skills (OECD, 2012). Therefore, Donaldson (2015) suggests that children should be encouraged to research a topic, form well-structured judgements and draw evidence-based conclusions.
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Correspondingly, in order for STEM activities to be relevant in primary education, contemporary contexts and issues could be explored (DCELLS, 2012). For instance: How efficient is solar power likely to be in Wales? Are mobile phones a risk to a person’s health? Accordingly, DCELLS (2012) highlights how huge questions like these can transform pedagogy and learning, as they allocate greater purpose to a child’s knowledge and understanding. However, DCELLS (2012) signifies the incorporation of science and technology in primary education - must be made engaging for pupils to develop their critical thought. Similarly, Lipman (1991) declares that when children expand their own philosophy, they begin to construct exceptional thoughts about the world. Mizell (2015) defines philosophy as an exploration approach to develop pupils’ learning through the investigation of concepts. So, to enhance children’s engagement with STEM in schools, teachers should acknowledge the importance of child led learning (Lipman, 1991). As a result, Lipman (1988) indicates that outstanding freedom enables learners to follow their thinking where it leads and achieve multiple learning outcomes. Consequently, Lenton and Vidion (2016) reveal that practitioners should encourage children to choose a topic of interest in a child led investigation, embracing their inquisitiveness, imagination and wonderment.

Therefore, Murris (2016) identifies that educators are responsible for motivating children to explore independently and develop critical thought from their findings, whilst applying an appropriate level of intervention to support learners when necessary (Vygotsky, 1978). Accordingly, Lentton and Vidion (2016) believe child led learning, inspires children to value their trail of thought. However, Mitzell (2015) underlines the challenges of experimental methods in education as teachers are confronted with time restrictions in their lessons. However, Stepien and Gallagher (1993) highlight that scientific investigations cannot be solved in a short space of time, as these complex activities require an investigation by children over a continued period of time. Despite, the complex planning and organisation needed to prepare scientific and technological projects, Stepien and Gallagher (1993) reinforce with appropriate support and adequate time devoted to these subject areas, greater fulfilled benefits could be achieved for pupils and practitioners.Related image
Likewise, Donaldson (2015) suggests these projects can enable children to collectively form discussions as a team. So, implementing STEM in schools, children can develop key skills, including teamwork and developing technology and presentation skills (DCELLS, 2012). Although, in order to overcome the time restraints practitioners face in teaching, Donaldson (2015) proposes the significance of cross-curricular teaching. Correspondingly, in project-based teaching a variety of subjects including science and technology can be incorporated alongside maths and literacy to enrich children’s capabilities in real-life, problem-based scenarios. Additionally, pupils could develop mathematical and computer skills from calculating measurements, to model potential solutions to complex problems (Arthur, Crick and Hayward, 2013). These findings could mature children’s communication and presentation skills through expressing ideas, presenting disputes and concluding findings (DCELLS, 2012).
Moreover, Maslow’s (1968, p.90) theory of ‘peak experiences’ indicates that a “…peak experience is felt as a self-validating, self-justifying moment which carries its own intrinsic value with it.” In association, I attended a field-trip organised by Cardiff Metropolitan University to Techniquest. This is a science discovery centre, which primary schools can organise school trips too, with hands-on interactive exhibits, a science theatre, planetarium and a lab for children to explore and interact with (DCELLS, 2012). Therefore, techniquest provides children with the opportunity to engage with science and technology in a fun and exciting way, outside of their ordinary learning environment (DCELLS, 2012).

However, Yang and Damasio (2007) state that practitioners have to understand the importance of children’s emotions, to appreciate the motive of children learning. So, regardless of pupils’ differing learning environments, it is fundamental that practitioners regulate children’s attitudes towards their learning, to monitor their engagement (Yang and Damasio, 2007). Despite, not ever child engaging with science and technology in the same way it is practitioner’s responsibility to uphold their interest and develop it further, instead of limiting children participants (NAAACE, 1999). After all, OECD (2011) predict that by 2030 the United Kingdom will have over 7 million jobs needing STEM skills as it is known that science can expand children’s life choices and opportunities, particularly amongst low socioeconomic groups, as it can help social mobility.

In conclusion, science and technology have been combined and acknowledged by Donaldson (2015) as an area of learning and experience in the Welsh Curriculum. In addition, science and technology topic-based sessions enable children to participate in problem-solving tasks, whilst having control over their learning with their peers (Stepien and Gallagher, 1993). However, all children must be reminded that they are capable and have potential to excel in science and technology, although they may fear or identify personal weaknesses in these subject areas (NAAACE, 1999). Therefore, DCELLS (2012) proposes the significance of primary schools implementing science and technology in an engaging way for children, from a young age. For instance, children’s interests could be prioritised through child led learning (Murris, 2016), to develop key skills in a fun and exciting way, with the aim of inspiring children to progress in a variety of STEM career paths (OECD, 2012).

Reference List

Arthur, S., Crick, T., Hayward, J. (2013). The ICT Steering Group’s Report to the Welsh Government. Crown Publishing: London.

DCELLS (2012). Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM): Guidance for schools and colleges in Wales. Crown Publishing: London
Donaldson, G. (2015). Successful futures: Independent review of curriculum and assessment arrangements in Wales
Lenton and Vidion (2016) Available at:
Lipman, M. (1988). Philosophy goes to school. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Lipman, M. (1991). Thinking in education. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Maslow, A. (1968). Toward a psychology of being (2nd Edition). New York: Van
Mizell, K. (2015). Philosophy for Children, Community of Inquiry, and Human Rights Education. Childhood & Philosophy, 11(22), 319-328.
Murris, K. (2016). The Philosophy for Children curriculum: Resisting ‘teacher proof texts and the formation of the ideal philosopher child. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 35(1), 63- 78.

N.A.C.C.C.E. (1999) All our futures: creativity, culture and education. London: DFEE Naess, A. (1997). Heidegger, postmodern theory and deep ecology. Trumpeter, 14(4).
OECD. (2012). PISA - Against the Odds: Disadvantaged Students Who Succeed in School (Accessed 5th February 2018)
Stepien, W., & Gallagher, S. (1993). Problem-based learning: as authentic as it gets. Educational Leadership, 60(2), 8–16.
Vygotsky, L. (1978). Mind in Society. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Yang, M. H., & Damasio, A. (2007). We feel, therefore we learn: The relevance of affective and social neuroscience to education. Mind, brain, and education, 1(1), 3-10.

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