Tuesday 17 April 2018

What is the value of the Welsh Language in Primary Education?

The Welsh Government (2012) identifies apart from Latin and Greek, the Welsh language has the oldest literature in Europe. Along with Latin, Welsh was the language of the law (King Hywel Dda 800-950). In 1536 the Act of Union made Wales officially part of England. However, it was perceived to affect the Welsh aspects and traditional cultural of Wales. Welsh then became the language of the home and chapel during the 1800s (Wales circular, 1953). Despite this Hodges (2012) emphasises that Welsh medium education was chosen for cultural reasons along with education reasons, economic reasons and personal reasons.
During the 1970’s there where concerns about the Welsh language due to the decline of Welsh speakers in the 1930s and 1940s. In 1951 the number of Welsh speakers had fallen to 28.9 per cent (from 36.8 per cent in 1931) (Griffith et al, 2006). Therefore, by the 1950s the Welsh Boards of Health and Education contained many welsh men which enabled local authorities to provide Welsh language education, which increased the number of Welsh speakers due to the Welsh language being taught within education (Richardson 2000).
In their review of literature (Edwards et al, 2011) discusses the 1988 Education Reform Act which led gradually to the Welsh language becoming a compulsory part of the school curriculum and, finally, the passing of a Welsh Language Act in 1993, which placed an onus on the public sector to treat Welsh and English equally. The government allowed local authorities to determine the language of educational instruction in their schools, but also gave parents the right to obtain exemption for their children under the 1944 Education Act.

The Welsh Government (2017) reinforces their view in the Welsh education action plan of how important it is to tackle the challenge of teaching Welsh within primary schools. They explain how by doing this it will work to generate and improve the education in Wales, while enabling the opportunity to ensure that the Welsh language is central to the ambitious and essential reforms. It is crucial that schools consistently implement the Welsh language across all aspects of teaching, as stated by the Welsh Government (2012) believing the more Welsh language spoken, the more accessible the language will be in everyday life. The Welsh education action plan (2017-21) also provides evidence stating that today, there are 420 primary schools delivering Welsh medium education to almost 67,000 learners across Wales, and 49 secondary schools delivering Welsh medium education to almost 35,000 learners. Therefore, the Welsh Government (2013) proposes significance of the Welsh language and emphasises the value and reputation of the language in Wales.

The Foundation Phase Framework provides an education programme with Welsh Language Development as an area of learning. The framework requirements are that during the foundation phase, children should learn to use and communicate in Welsh to their best ability. The Welsh Government (2015) emphasis that primarily both Welsh medium and bilingual schools that communicate both Welsh and English must apply and advance their current language policies. Important to encourage the Welsh language in schools were English is the main mode of communication, the school should affirm the children in foundation phase to communicate their needs in Welsh and should increasingly be exposed to Welsh. National Curriculum requirements for primary education in key stage 1 states, pupils should be taught to respond appropriately in simple and familiar circumstances in Welsh. Children should take part in simple activities, including dialogue and role- play activities while also working as individuals and in different sized groups. Children will develop skills in their Welsh ability to relate or sing welsh poems and songs, speak using correct pronunciation and appropriate intonation. Furthermore, Estyn (2013) supports this view point by emphasising that throughout the foundation phase children should be supported to learn and communicate in Welsh to their greatest ability. Displaying they are fully encouraged and exposed to the Welsh language.

Nonetheless, Donaldson (2015) redesigned the curriculum in Wales with ‘Languages, Literacy and Communication’ all with an area of learning and experience. Donaldson (2015) aims for the new curriculum were to emphasise the Welsh language in schools and provide fundamental development and allow children to have the opportunity to progress in different languages, within literacy and communication. Donaldson also states the importance of all children and young people being ambitious, capable learners ‘’Children should have a high level of competence in literacy in English and Welsh to explore and develop ideas using additional language’’ (Donaldson, 2015, p.49). Also, capable learners who can use digital technology creatively to communicate, find and analyse information, are questioning and enjoying solving problems. The Welsh language development area of learning in the foundation phase for 3 to 7- year- olds has also meant that children in English- medium settings and schools start to learn the Welsh language from the age of three. More, recently the Welsh Government has shown its commitment to developing Wales as a bilingual nation through its Welsh language strategy (Donaldson, 2015, p.58). Baker (1996) believes a child who hears one language for half an hour a day, particularity at the end of day when he or she is tired, is unlikely to grow competent in that language. When a child is deliberately exposed to an ever-increasing variety of language in different contexts… a realistic chance of bilingualism exists.

So how can primary schools promote the Welsh language and make the lesson engaging?

Professor Davies (2013) states that learning the language is ‘… a very tedious experience’ for large numbers of young people and that’… they do not regard the subject as being relevant or of any value to them’. Most children and young people do not feel that the current provision for learning Welsh at key stage 3 and 4 enables them to be confident to use Welsh outside Welsh lessons and certainly not outside school. Despite this there are many activities that can promote the engagement with learning and teaching Welsh which I found out first hand whilst studying in Cardiff Metropolitan University. I took part in a beginner’s class that taught basic Welsh words such as, the colours, days of the week and months, numbers and the alphabet. Even though, I have been taught Welsh in secondary and have a GCSE in Welsh language I still found it a very helpful and enjoyable class considering I forgot most of the basic words. Whilst attending the class I learnt how important it is to engage pupils with games such as bingo and role play which the children can learn from but also have fun at the same time. Satchwell and De Sliva (1995) agree with how certain methods and activities that work help with good practice such as when pupils are given a range of teaching strategies including music, role-play and drama, thereby encouraging active participation by the pupils. However, Satchwell (1997) insinuates that teachers must demonstrate interest within the Welsh language by showing energy, enthusiasm and a passion for the language, which will show effective teaching and learning for the pupils.

To conclude, I believe the Welsh language is vital for children to learn within primary education. Due to wanting to be a primary school teacher myself and knowing limited Welsh words I know when I apply for a job in Cardiff for teaching and someone else is fluent in Welsh they may accept them for the job due to being able to speak both Welsh and English. Donaldson (2015) also states how the Welsh Government is noticing the importance of Welsh speakers ‘’More recently the Welsh Government has shown its commitment to developing Wales as a bilingual nation through its Welsh Language Strategy’’.

Baker, C (1996) 2nd Edition Foundations of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism: London; Multilingual Matters.
Donaldson, G (2015) ‘Successful futures: Independent review of curriculum and assessment arrangements in Wales’.
Edwards, A., Tanner, D., and Carlin, P. (2011) 'The Conservative Government and the development of Welsh Language policy in the 1980s and 1990s', The Historical Journal, 54(2), pp.529-551.
Estyn (2013) ‘Welsh language development in the Foundation Phase’. Estyn. (Accessed 8th April 2018).
Griffith, G., Tanner, D., Williams, W., Griffith, P., and Edwards, A. (2006). ‘Devolutionist Tendencies in Wales’. Manchester, pp. 89-118.
Hodges, R. (2012) ‘International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism’. Volume 15- Issue 3.
Richardson, J. (2000). ‘Government, interest groups and policy change’, Political Studies, 48 pp.1006–25.
Satchwell, P. and De Sliva (1995) ‘Catching them young’. Young Pathfinder, CILT.
Wales circular 15, (1953). Reporting on The Central Advisory Council on Education (Wales) report, ‘The place of Welsh and English in the schools of Wales’, The National Archives (TNA), BD 24/178.
Welsh Government (2012). ‘A living language: a language for living’. Welsh Language Strategy 2012-17, Welsh Government.
Welsh Government (2015) ‘Curriculum for Wales: Foundation Phase Framework’. Welsh Government.
Welsh Government (2017-21). ‘Welsh in Education Action Plan’.  Available at: http://gov.wales/docs/dcells/publications/171212-welsh-in-education-action-plan-2017-21-en.pdf (Accessed 13th March 2018).
Welsh Government. (2013) ‘One language for all’: Review of Welsh second language at Key Stages 3 and 4- Report and recommendations Welsh Government.

How can science and technology activities be made engaging and relevant in primary education?

Now more than ever, children and young people need to acquire transferable skills that can be adapted in real life situations and scenarios (Welsh Government, 2018). The government are changing the way in which children between 3 and 16 are developing and the new curriculum will put more emphasis on equipping young people for life and not just for school. According to the Welsh Government (2012) science is not just a school subject; it consequently changes and improves around us and has as an immediate impact on how we live our lives. Embedded within the Science and technology area of learning and experience (AOLE) section of the the new curriculum, are opportunities to trigger young people’s “curiosity about the natural, physical world and universe through investigating, understanding, and explaining” (Donaldson, 2015, p. 50). Other skills that can be developed through science and technology include the ability to “generate and test ideas, gather evidence, make observations, carry out practical investigations, and communicate with others” (Donaldson, 2015, p. 50.) Expanding knowledge and understanding using these skills will enable children to make direct links with the four purposes of the curriculum and will entitle them to become “enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work.”

The new science and technology AOLE will provide practitioners with the freedom and capability to enhance and upgrade their lessons from a single subject lesson into a lesson that encourages full engagement and enthusiasm from children. Allowing the use of technology within science lessons opens up pupil autonomy and a learning experience that would not be accessible through the dated curriculum. Nelson (2007) stated that motivation is simultaneously achieved when autonomy is enhanced within a classroom. Giving pupils the opportunity to be responsible for their own learning has beneficial effects, as the increase in motivation will ensure full engagement is achieved. For Vinson et al. (2010) the learners’ engagement is a key element that results in pupil success. 
Using virtual reality (VR) within education is just one way in which technology can be used to provide a better quality of teaching. Using virtual reality to construct a biology lesson that would not be feasible in a classroom provides children with an authentic experience that will be highly stimulating. Dawley & Dede, (2014) addressed in their work that virtual worlds can be highly engaging and motivating which is essential to learning. This has become evident through personal experiences using VR headsets within lectures and seminars. It is easy to understand the stimulating learning experience VR can bring to a classroom. Despite the immeasurable contributions VR may provide in a lesson, it must be taken into consideration that within an ever changing technological world, technology such as VR that are currently being used within classrooms may soon be outdated and irrelevant. Although there is a current widespread acceptance of the use of technology within education, Krentler & Willis-Flurry (2005) highlight the unknown legitimacy of the concept of using technology to enhance pupil learning. They point out that “there is little empirical research on the effectiveness of students' use of technology in enhancing their learning.” Although there is a lack of evidence supporting the effectiveness of technology within a classroom, it has been reported that children perceive technology to be a useful learning tool.

According to Duncey, (2015) science and technology enables learners to acquire knowledge and develop their skills through observation and experimentation. The reformation of the science and technology AOLE allows learners to subsequently apply their knowledge in practical ways. Applying knowledge in practical ways promotes autonomy for learners resulting in higher levels of engagement.

Techniquest is a leading example of how children can be inspired to learn and develop new scientific knowledge and skills interactively. The UK’s longest established science centre that has a “a mission to embed science in Welsh culture through interactive engagement” has over 120 hands on exhibits that is ideal for child-centered learning and investigation. During a recent visit to the science centre, we as a university group took part in a biology lesson on the digestive system. The unique learning opportunities that took place in the science theatre contributed to an authentic learning experience due to the new learning environment. To add to this, the expertise portrayed by the staff at the science centre also allowed the sense of authenticity (Herrlington 2000). We as young adults were fully engaged with the way in which Techniquest used technology alongside science to provide interactive learning. From our own personal experiences, it is easy to comprehend how young children would engage and learn in such a fruitful environment. Techniquest link all their programmes to the Curriculum for Wales and ensure that the AOLE are embedded within their work.

Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) is currently the foundation of innovation in today’s industry; it is crucial that the Welsh Government continue to make links and build bridges between these areas and education. If links are made promptly, it will help children get a real grasp of the real world of work (Carwyn Jones, 2012). It has been highlighted in the News that according to the Royal Academy of Engineering, “the shortage of engineering graduates could leave the sector in Wales behind if more do not enter the profession.” Donaldson’s new curriculum for Wales has identified this gap and taken into consideration that the children of the future may not have the employability skills and knowledge of science and technology that the future jobs will require; ultimately proposing an area of learning specifically based on STEM. Dcells (2012) identified that skills and knowledge that young people will poses in the future are bound by an equal body of skills and knowledge as a result of growing up in a technological world. In order to trigger interest in science and technology at an early age, it is crucial that practitioners take on board the recommendations of Donaldson and use the freedom that the new curriculum will bring in order to deliver exciting and engaging lessons involving science and technology.


BBC News. (2014). Warning over shortfall in engineers. [online] Available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-26912408 [Accessed 4 Apr. 2018].

DCELLS (2012). Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM): Guidance for schools and colleges in Wales. Crown Publishing: London
Donaldson, G. (2015). Successful futures: independent review of curriculum and assessment arrangements in Wales: February 2015.

Duncey, M. (2015). Donaldson Review: The ‘purposes’ and content of a Curriculum for Wales. [online] IN BRIEF. Available at: https://seneddresearch.blog/2015/03/17/donaldson-review-the-purposes-and-content-of-a-curriculum-for-wales/ [Accessed 3 Apr. 2018].

Gov.wales. (2018). Welsh Government. New school curriculum. [online] Available at: http://gov.wales/topics/educationandskills/schoolshome/curriculuminwales/curriculum-for-wales-curriculum-for-life/?lang=en (Accessed 2 Apr. 2018).

Krentler, K. A., & Willis-Flurry, L. A. (2005). Does technology enhance actual student learning? The case of online discussion boardsJournal of Education for Business80(6), 316-321.

Nelson, B. (2007) Exploring the use of individualised, reflective guidance in an educational multiuser virtual environment. Journal of Science Education and technology, 16(1), 83-97.

Sharp, J., Peacock, G., Johnsey, R., Simon, S., Smith, R., Cross, A. and Harris, D. (2012) Primary science: teaching theory and practice. Exeter: Learning Matters.

Vinson, D., Nixon, S., Walsh, B., Walker, C., Mitchell, E., & Zaitseva, E. (2010). Investigating the relationship between student engagement and transition. Active Learning in Higher Education, 11(2), 131–143.

Qualter, A. (2014) The teaching of science in primary schools. London: Routledge.
Sharp, J., Peacock, G., Johnsey, R., Simon, S., Smith, R., Cross, A. and Harris, D. (2012) Primary science: teaching theory and practice. Exeter: Learning Matters.

What is the value of the Welsh Language in Primary Education?

The Welsh Government (2012) identifies apart from Latin and Greek, the Welsh language has the oldest literature in Europe. ...